SEM program (Software Energy Manager)
The SEM program (Software Energy Manager), processes and manages consumption data, credit and purchasing that come, through the field, from each user. This program, in addition to process data, it's also a management program that can manage the accounts of each user : consumption, prices, discounts, credits, debts ...
The SEM also manages the global data of the cabin and the global data of the entire plant :
- Statistics Supplying : For “supply statistics” we intend the use of energy performance through the time (for each user, divided into the various time bands).
- Statistics Consumption : The global consumption statistics, provide graphs and statistics on the global consumption of the plant during the day.
- Accounting : Accounting means that for each user you can provide the electricity bill (annual, monthly or weekly) hardcopy, by email or via web. The bills have a history of 5 years!
- Planned Maintenance : A series of operations to be performed at predetermined frequency that maintain the plant efficiency. The SEM indicates the maintenance to be executed through a permanent reporting on the screen (message that can be removed once completed the reported operation).